A couple’s lives are turned upside down when their daughter is cast alongside a controversial big star. Quoted in The DA’S Office: Ep. 26 – THE ACOLYTE DISASTER! Could this be the end for DISNEY STAR WARS? (2024). Daisy Ridley is really starting to become one of my all-time favorite actresses. If there’s one phrase I can sum up this movie with, it’s “Fear the Silent Ones.” If you’ve seen the movie, that might sound like I’m anti-lady, but that’s far from the case. I was very, very happy with how events turned out in this movie. The build-up, as annoying as it was, was perfectly prepared for the unexpected plot twist. I didn’t expect that at all. The whole time I thought Alicia was involved in the affair, but she wasn’t. I’m not lying, I almost finished watching the movie several times because it dragged on a bit, but I’m glad I didn’t and stuck with it until the end.